Broker Friendly Services

Headquartered in Houston since 2000, HR&P is the industry leader in HR & Payroll. Let’s explore the ways HR&P can make a positive impact on your business in 2020.

How can HR&P give your agency an advantage?

HR&P’s broker friendly administration services truly set us apart:

  • HR&P leaves the Benefits Business to you
  • HR&P does not offer a Master Health Plan
  • HR&P focuses only on payroll, HR, and benefits administration
  • Your Benefits Business is NEVER IN JEOPARDY
  • HR&P DOES NOT SELL Benefits

How can HR&P work with your agency?

For over 20 years, HR&P has been protecting the interest of its broker partners:

  • Work collaboratively vs. independently
  • Create a sales strategy around PEO users and organizations considering PEO
  • Work consultatively with clients and prospects 4 Lower Total Cost of Administration
  • Impact your clients through thought leadership events
  • Educate your current clients
  • Earn New Employee Benefits Business
  • Protect Current Employee Benefits Business

PEO: your agency’s Friend or Foe?

HR&P can help, especially if you have experienced any of the following:

  • Lost Group Benefit business to a PEO
  • Defending your relationships from Payroll & HR companies that are really Benefit Brokers in disguise
  • Referred a client to a payroll company, only to see them take the Group Benefits from you
  • Disappointed with current administrative relationships

Have Questions?

We would be happy to meet with you to discuss your individual situation and answer any questions you may have.