On Thursday, Oct. 7, 2021, President Joe Biden made an appeal to private organizations about requiring COVID-19 vaccinations among their employees.

Biden urged businesses to start mandating vaccinations now, ahead of the upcoming federal emergency temporary standard (ETS), which will compel them to do so. The yet-to-be-released ETS will apply to employers with 100 or more workers, requiring them to mandate vaccinations or weekly COVID-19 testing as conditions of employment.

“There is no other way to beat the pandemic than to get the vast majority of the American people vaccinated.”

President Joe Biden

In his remarks, Biden praised companies that have proactively implemented vaccination requirements among their workers, independent of federal rules. He encouraged others to do the same, saying vaccination is the only way to end the pandemic.

What’s Next?

It’s currently unclear when the ETS requiring certain employers to mandate vaccinations will be released. Administration officials said it could be at least several more weeks.

In the meantime, employers with 100 or more workers should consider solidifying their positions on vaccinations. This includes determining whether they will be absolutely required or if weekly COVID-19 testing will suffice.

Even employers with fewer than 100 workers—who will not be subject to the ETS—may wish to consider vaccination or testing policies as a way to protect employees and business operations. As Biden and health officials have attested, vaccination is the best agreed-upon way to end the pandemic.

Stay tuned for more details about the ETS in the coming weeks. Reach out to HR&P with any questions in the meantime.

This is not intended to be exhaustive nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as professional advice. © 2021 Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved.



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