In the News2024-10-04T18:14:39+00:00

HR&P In the News

Halloween Fun at HR&P

Halloween Fun at HR&P The team at HR&P really out did themselves this year.  We had a great time celebrating Halloween with a costume contest, tricks and treats, and a catered lunch for all the staff.  Winners went home with cash prizes, comp hours and additional PTO. Thanks to all who participated, including our special ‘Judges’ from our partners at FIFTH THIRD Bank, MJ Sotelo and Stephanie Escobar. [...]

HR&P proves to be the Aggie good luck charm against SEC rival LSU.

HR&P proves to be the Aggie good luck charm against SEC rival LSU. Recently HR&P was able to celebrate a monumental Aggie Football win against LSU with our media partners, Learfield Sports & Texas A&M Sports Properties. We appreciate the hospitality and the opportunity to tour the Kyle Field facilities and listen to Andrew Monaco’s live radio broadcast of the game. Special thanks to John Valek and Patrick Layne with Texas A&M Sports Properties.  Together we truly were the good luck [...]

HR&P is proud to partner with the Houston A&M Club

HR&P is proud to partner with the Houston A&M Club HR&P is proud to partner with the Houston A&M Club, and will continue to sponsor both The Traditions Luncheon, every second Monday of the month, and The Woodlands Luncheon, every first Thursday of the month.  Both Luncheons have become staples for Aggie Networking in the Houston area. Guest speakers at The Traditions luncheon this year have included the likes of Fred Caldwell ’82, CEO of Caldwell Companies, Dr. Roderic Pettigrew, Dean, [...]

HR&P was pleased to support this year’s IMG Golf Classic

HR&P was pleased to support this year’s IMG Golf Classic. Funds raised go to the Folds of Honor Foundation, who provide life changing scholarships to the families of fallen or wounded military and first responders. Special recognition to Jeff Applebaum and the team at IMG Financial Group, Inc.,, for their leadership and continued advocacy of Folds of Honor. Please consider supporting this great cause, NEWSLETTER To receive more HR articles and tips that keep you informed, [...]


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