During the exciting University of Houston’s Men’s Cougar basketball game against Jackson State, HR&P proudly sponsored the Military Salute of the Game! 

The Fertitta Center showed Rajarshi Kundu from the United States Army a standing ovation and roaring applause during the HR&P Military Salute of the Game.  

Rajarshi served our country from 2017 to 2020 ranking as a private first class in the U.S. Army. During his service he made multiple deployments overseas including one to Poland and another to Germany.  

Rajarshi will graduate from the University of Houston this May as a proud member of the Class of 2025 with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Management Information Systems.  

Joined in attendance with Rajarshi was his mom and dad. We sincerely thank U.S. Army Private First Class Rajarshi Kundu, and all who have served our great country. HR&P is proud to support a moment where our military members can be honored and recognized for their deep sacrifices.  


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