UofH Uniform Preview 4 HR&P is proud to bring you the UH Uniform Reveal before each 2024 Football GameSorry, your browser doesn't support embedded videos.RECENT POSTSThis Week UH Basketball Photo of the GameMarch 3, 2025Trump Revokes Biden Executive Order Preventing Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation DiscriminationFebruary 18, 2025Trump Issues Executive Order Combating Private-sector DEI EffortsFebruary 18, 2025Top Health Plan Compliance Issues for 2025February 18, 2025Ohio Enacts Wage Statement LawFebruary 18, 2025NEWSLETTER To receive more HR articles and tips that keep you informed, sign up for our newsletter. SIGN UP!×Newsletter Form FIRST NAMELAST NAMEEMAIL*CAPTCHA admin_hr&p2024-10-07T16:58:13+00:00