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So far admin has created 222 blog entries.

Help Veterans on Your Staff Thrive


A survey of veterans by Syracuse University's Institute for Veterans and Military Families found that half of the respondents left their first civilian jobs within a year, and 65% left within two years. A commonly cited reason was culture shock. Employers that make a point of hiring veterans — and those that don't — owe it to [...]

Help Veterans on Your Staff Thrive2024-07-03T18:17:04+00:00

How to Grow Your Business with a PEO


“[PEOs] now provide…services to about 180,000 companies that collectively employ more than 3 million workers and generate $156 billion in annual revenues.” ( Does your business manage all HR and benefits administration responsibilities in-house? It might be time to look into partnering with a Professional Employer Organization (PEO). A PEO provides an outsourced solution to [...]

How to Grow Your Business with a PEO2024-07-03T18:17:04+00:00

Follow the Law When Using Background Checks for Hiring


More and more employers are using background checks as a regular part of the hiring process, and it's easy to understand why. When it comes to the need to protect your business, your workforce and your customers, the stakes are high. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) spells out a few good reasons why employers [...]

Follow the Law When Using Background Checks for Hiring2024-07-03T18:17:18+00:00

Protect Your Company from Immigration Infractions


More than three decades have elapsed since the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) began requiring employers to complete I-9 forms when hiring to verify a new employee's identity and authorization to work in the United States. Given the recent focus on illegal immigration, there's a good chance that immigration enforcement efforts at the employer level [...]

Protect Your Company from Immigration Infractions2024-07-03T18:17:18+00:00

4 HR Risks Your Company May Face This Month


“Action and adaptability create opportunity.” —Garrison Wynn Did you know? The U.S. Dept of Labor is currently asking for public comment on potential changes to the overtime rule to determine which employees are exempt from minimum wage and overtime requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)? (SHRM) A revised version of form I-9, employment [...]

4 HR Risks Your Company May Face This Month2024-07-03T18:17:18+00:00

Can You Require a Switch to Direct Deposit?


It may not be long before paper paychecks go the way of the five-and-dime store and the VCR. They may soon become obsolete as "direct deposit" into bank accounts is the predominant method of paying employees. And why not? All of the banking — including depositing the amounts into the employee's account and acceptance of the [...]

Can You Require a Switch to Direct Deposit?2024-07-03T18:17:18+00:00

FMLA: The Law that Never Sleeps


The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is often tweaked, adjusted or reinterpreted as cases of alleged abuse continue to pop up and courts are asked to weigh in. With so much change, it's a good idea to check your policies regularly. Is your company in compliance? Here's a very streamlined recap of the top 10 [...]

FMLA: The Law that Never Sleeps2024-07-03T18:17:19+00:00

Overtime Work is About More than Higher Pay Rates


It may seem like overtime issues never cease... if it isn't one thing, it's another. But with money, productivity and safety at stake, it's too important to just wing it. That's why — aside from the obvious issues of when to pay time-and-a-half, when to pay double time, and who qualifies for the higher rates — [...]

Overtime Work is About More than Higher Pay Rates2024-07-03T18:17:19+00:00

Should Your Company Offer Paid Parental Leave?


Organizations that advocate for paid parental leave recognize that for most employers, the decision of whether to offer that benefit will be rooted in economics. In a competitive environment, it's a rare employer that can afford to add to personnel costs without a bottom line-based rationale. The motivation of employers in California, New Jersey, Rhode Island, [...]

Should Your Company Offer Paid Parental Leave?2024-07-03T18:17:19+00:00

Prepare: E-Verify May Soon Become Mandatory


With so much focus in Washington on stemming illegal immigration and the erosion of job opportunities for U.S. citizens, chances appear better than ever that the E-Verify system will become mandatory. President Trump's 2018 budget proposal includes funds to upgrade the system so that it can handle greater capacity, that is, if Congress authorizes requiring [...]

Prepare: E-Verify May Soon Become Mandatory2024-07-03T18:17:19+00:00
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